
Sussex hops are an award-winning dwarf variety discovered by Peter Cyster in Northiam, East Sussex in 2005. Its brewing use uncovers a powerful aroma alongside delicate tropical flavors and great flavor retention. It is considered to be forwardly fruity and its unique aroma afforded it third place in the hedgerow category of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling’s British Hop Competition in 2012.


Analysis conducted by Wye Hops Ltd. concluded its oil profile is unlike that of any other hop variety. Brewing trials however have likened its delicate flavor to Fuggle. Though it is classified as being more useful as a flavor and aroma variety, when used as an early addition it imparts a well-rounded and classic bitterness.

Harvey’s Brewery released its Sussex Wild Hop brew in July of 2013 with Sussex as its primary hop.

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Also Known As
Characteristics Delicate tropical flavors and a unique fruit-forward aroma
Purpose Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition 4.3%-5.8%
Beta Acid Composition 2.4%-3.2%
Co-Humulone Composition 29%-32%
Country UK
Cone Size
Cone Density
Seasonal Maturity
Yield Amount
Growth Rate High
Resistant to Tolerant to verticillium wilt and moderately resistant to downy and powdery mildew
Susceptible to
Ease of Harvest
Total Oil Composition 0.4-0.6 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition 42%
Humulene Oil Composition 23%
Caryophyllene Oil
Farnesene Oil 1%
Substitutes Progress, Whitbread Golding, Fuggle
Style Guide English Ale, Pale Ale, Belgian Ale

Where to Buy Sussex Hops

As a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries.

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Great Fermentations


Comments 2

  1. Hi, I guess there is a mistake on “Farnesene Oil”. It should be “none” and the lines below are lagged up.

    thank you! great work!

    1. Post

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