
Sticklebract is a dual-use New Zealand variety and another variety bred to stem the issues from Black Root Rot that were present in the country during the mid 20th century. It was selected as a seedling in the 1970’s from open pollinated First Choice. Stickleback’s dominant aroma comes from high selinene and high myrcene resulting in a somewhat English, piney-citrusy …

Perle (US)

While genetically indistinct from the original German variety, US-grown Perle tends to exhibit higher alpha acids potential and a slightly different balance of oils. Specifically, it tends to be higher in myrcene with lower in humulene, which may make US-grown Perle marginally more useful for bittering. Want this hop? Browse our recommended stockists below. Also Known As Characteristics Faint spicy …

Northern Brewer (GR)

Northern Brewer was originally developed in England in 1934 but is now largely grown in Germany. German-grown Northern Brewer is considered identical to the original UK-bred variety though subtle differences attributable to the different growing region may be evident. Northern Brewer is also grown in notable quantity in the US though this variety is now genetically distinct from the original. …