
Comet has an intriguing parentage of English Sunshine and a native American hop, bringing out a “wild American” flavor. Released in 1974 by the USDA, Comet was originally bred to address the needs for higher alpha hops. Today, it is no longer in commercial production and is somewhat difficult to find.


Comet’s flavor profile rests heavily on a strong accent of grapefruit. It does feature solid bittering capabilities and traditionally brewers considered it best suited as a bittering agent for American-style lagers. Recently however, there has been a surge in its use as a dry-hop in ales and IPA’s.

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Also Known As
Characteristics Strong grapefruit, dank resin flavors
Purpose Bittering & Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition 9.4%-12.4%
Beta Acid Composition 3%-6.1%
Co-Humulone Composition 41%
Country US
Cone Size
Cone Density
Seasonal Maturity Late
Yield Amount 1900-2240 kg/hectare (1700-2000 lbs/acre)
Growth Rate Very high
Resistant to Resistant to verticillium wilt
Susceptible to Susceptible to downy mildew
Storability Retains 49% alpha acid after 6 months storage at 20ºC (68ºF)
Ease of Harvest
Total Oil Composition 1.98 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition 67%
Humulene Oil Composition 1%
Caryophyllene Oil 10%
Farnesene Oil 0.1%
Substitutes Galena, Summit™
Style Guide Lager, American Ale, India Pale Ale, Ale

Where to Buy Comet Hops

As a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries.

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