
Released to the public in 1972, Challenger hops were developed at Wye College from varieties Northern Brewer and German Zattler. It accounted for a significant percentage of the hops grown in the UK during the 1980’s and 1990’s.


Challenger features decent bitterness and a floral aroma and as such are considered fine for bittering or for dry hopping. Its flavor is smooth with balanced floral characteristics, some citrus and a dash of spice.

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Also Known As Wye Challenger
Purpose Bittering & Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition 6.5%-9%
Beta Acid Composition 3.2%-4.5%
Co-Humulone Composition 20%-25%
Country UK
Cone Size Medium to large
Cone Density Moderate to compact
Seasonal Maturity Late
Yield Amount 1400-1800 kg/hectare (1240-1610 lbs/acre)
Growth Rate Moderate
Resistant to Resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew
Susceptible to Susceptible to verticillium wilt
Storability Retains 70%-85% alpha acid after 6 months storage at 20ºC (68ºF)
Ease of Harvest Difficult
Total Oil Composition 1-1.7 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition 30%-42%
Humulene Oil Composition 25%-32%
Caryophyllene Oil 8%-10%
Farnesene Oil 1%-3%
Substitutes Perle (US), Northern Brewer, Admiral
Style Guide Golden Ale, Barley Wine, Imperial Stout

Where to Buy Challenger Hops

As a listing requirement, all suppliers below ship nationally to their respective countries.

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Great Fermentations


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