
Strisselspalt hails from the Alsace region of France around Strasbourg and is likely related to German Spalt and/or Hersbrucker hops. Thought to be an old land race, its acreage is dwindling due to its inherent low yield but it survives largely on the back of a strong domestic demand for the variety. It is considered a pleasant continental-style aroma hop …

Tettnanger (US)

This variety has created so much industry confusion. In fact, you can still find sites online that describe American Tettnanger as a true Tettnanger. In reality, it is a clone of rhizomes imported as Swiss Tettnanger. Recent tests have shown it to be genetically distinct from the original land race, Tettnang Tettnanger. Instead, the US varietal is more likely a …


Magnum is fast becoming a brewing favorite in Europe and towards being one of the most widely grown high alpha varieties in the US. Used predominately as a base bittering hop it features an exceptional growth rate, yield and superlative storage stability and is said to result in squeaky clean bitterness and subtle citrus-like flavors. Originally created at the German …


Northdown was developed at Wye College in England in the early 1970’s and was initially bred primarily for its resistance to downy mildew. It is the offspring of Northern Brewer and Challenger and an aunt to Target. It is a dual-purpose hop but is particularly good in the early to mid stages of the boil. It is considered slightly higher …